Women main caregivers

Before the health crisis, women already spent three times more time than men on unpaid care work. The pandemic only further exacerbated the care crisis.

Unemployment during the pandemic and post-recovery

In 2020 there were 2.1% more unemployed women than men. By the end of 2021, around 4 million jobs held by women had not yet been recovered. However, in 2022, the recovery of female employment exhibited a greater intensity than that experienced by male employment (24.4% vs. 18.8%).

Effect of family-work conciliation

The greater recovery in the labour supply of women is potentially associated with the gradual easing of the difficulties in reconciling paid work with family responsibilities after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Invest in care policies

A global simulation carried out by the ILO, which included 7 Latin American countries, estimated that investing to universalize childcare licenses would generate 25.8 million direct and indirect jobs. 9 out of 10 jobs would be formal and around 8 out of 10 would be held by women.

Call to action

The European Union and the ILO, through the RBCLAC and Win-Win projects, promote the full inclusion of Latin American women in the world of work.

This site offers materials, tools, and testimonials to make it easier for companies to incorporate, to the extent of their capacities, actions aimed at improving the conciliation between work and family responsibilities of their workers, with a gender approach.

Join the Action!

Download here various ILO’s tools and resources related to personal, work and family conciliation


Campaign on licenses and care services at work

Download Campaign

Care crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

See video

Family, personal, and work-life balance guide during Covid-19 for businesses

Download document

Guidelines for the family, personal and work conciliation of workers during the Covid-19 pandemic

Download document

Questionnaire for family, personal, and work conciliation of workers during Covid-19

Download document

Infographic: Possible measures for family, personal and work-life balance during Covid-19

Download document

International Women's Day Campaign

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Links of Interest

Green jobs, an opportunity for women in Latin America

Care at work: Invest in leave and care services for greater equality in the world of work, ILO 2022

Latin America and the Caribbean: Gender Equality and labour market policies during the Covid-19 pandemic

Women in business development in Panama

Gender diversity model on boards in Chile

Teleworking Manual: Legal Framework and good practices in Chile

Tripartite Declaration of Principles on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, ILO 2017

Video Campaign #AlguienTeCuida, ILO Argentina 2021

Work and Personal Life Balance Video, We Empower Project, ILO 2021

We Empower Platform, ILO 2020

Work from home guide, ILO 2020

Management of work-related psychosocial risks during the Covid-19 pandemic

Good labour practices in the context of Covid-19, ILO, UNICEF, UN Women 2020

Care work and care workers, ILO 2019

Notes on work and family, ILO 2009

Convention 156 on workers with family responsibilities, ILO 1981

Recommendation 165 on workers with family responsibilities, ILO 1981

WEPs Brochure

The financing of care systems and policies in Latin America and the Caribbean | Contributions for a sustainable recovery with gender equality

Testimonials 0 de 00 Videos

In the following videos you will be able to learn about various success stories and experiences of companies operating in Latin America, related to the promotion of personal, work and family reconciliation with a gender approach.
Note: The following videos are only available in Spanish. Please, play the video on YouTube and activate the English subtitles.

Contact Us

For more information about this initiative or the Responsible Business Conduct in Latin America and the Caribbean (RBCLAC) project, please e-mail us to: ceralc@ilo.org